Wrap-up meeting and final press conference
Wrap-up meeting and final press conference for
Project “Improvement of the transport safety in the common BulgarianRomanian stretch of the Danube river through development of the emergency
response by cross-border cooperation” – Danube Safety Net
On the 6th and 7th of October 2022 in Ruse, Bulgaria Executive Agency “Maritime Administration”
(EAMA) and the Romanian Naval Authority will participate in the Wrap-up meeting of Project
“Improvement of the transport safety in the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the Danube
river through development of the emergency response by cross-border cooperation” – Danube
Safety Net, project code ROBG-522.
During the final event, the two Project Partners will present the achieved results and the technical
and financial implementation of the project, which officially ends on the 14th of October 2022.
The results from the implementation of the Danube Safety Net Project include:
Established Emergency Response Centers in Ruse, Lom and Constanta;
Supplied, developed and integrated Danube Transport Safety Geographic Information System
Delivered to EAMA two multipurpose non-self-propelled crafts (barges);
Delivered to RNA two multipurpose vessels;
Prepared Common Action Plan for Joint Emergency and Rescue Operations Between
Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” and the Romanian Naval Authority in the
Common Bulgarian-Romanian Stretch of the Danube River.
From 11:00 a.m. on the 7th of October 2022, at the premises of EAMA’s Directorate “River
Supervision – Ruse”, address: №20, “Pristanishtna” Str., Ruse, Bulgaria, media representatives
are invited to address their questions about the project to the project implementation teams
of the two Partners.
Project “Improvement of the transport safety in the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the
Danube river through development of the emergency response by cross-border cooperation” –
Danube Safety Net, project code ROBG-522 is implemented under the INTERREG V-A RomaniaBulgaria Programme 2014-2020 and its overall objective is to improve the safety of river Danube
navigability for the whole length of the common stretch between Romania and Bulgaria.
Lead Partner in the project is Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” and the Project Partner
is the Romanian Naval Authority.
The Danube Safety Net Project tackles common challenges identified jointly in the cross-border
region by finding joint solutions for the improvement of safety of navigation on the Danube River.
It represents a good example of an effective cooperation, directed to the achievement of the
national and European priorities in the field of the river transport and contributes to a more
prepared, reliable and resilient in terms of navigation safety region.
The overall budget of the project is 5 699 612,87 euro, out of which 85% funded by the European
Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 15 % are national co-financing.