The Danube Safety Net Project
Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
is a joint project initiative of Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” (Bulgaria) and the Romanian Naval Authority (Romania), which has the ambition to improve the transport safety in the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the Danube River through development of the emergency response by cross-border cooperation.
The Project was launched in line with the principles of the EU 2020 Strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and in direct response to one of the main priorities of the EU funded INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 for increasing the transport safety on waterways and maritime transport routes.
In their line of work, the two partnering administrations have established solid traditions in cooperation and implementation of mutual activities and often collaborate when it comes to search and rescue and emergency response operations. As a result of the existing dialogue and in response to the common obstacles faced on both sides of the Danube River, the Danube Safety Net Project will strengthen the competence and provide capacity boosting tools in order to improve the overall safety of navigation in the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the Danube River.
Visit the official page of the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 .