Transport Safety Expert and Stakeholder Meeting dedicated to the Traditions and Innovations in the Search and Rescue Activities on the Danube river was organized within the Danube Safety Net Project in Ruse
On the 8th of October, 2019 Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” held a Transport Safety Expert and Stakeholder Meeting dedicated to the Traditions and Innovations in the Search and Rescue Activities on the Danube river. The event was organized within the Project “Improvement of the transport safety in the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the Danube river through development of the emergency response by cross-border cooperation”, e-MS code ROBG-522, implemented by the Bulgarian Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” and the Romanian Naval Authority.
Together with representatives of the two Project Partners, participants in the event were also representatives from Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River, Regional Directorate “Border Police” – Ruse and Regional Directorate „Fire Safety and Civil Protection” Ruse, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria. During the meeting, the included in the project measures for the improvement of the reaction in situations related to transport safety on the common stretch of the Danube river were introduced and possible common actions between the responsible institutions were discussed.