Opening activity in Mehedinti
Project Danube Safety Net e-MS code: ROBG-522
Event – Opening activity in Mehedinti for the presentation of the two multipurpose and
multifunctional crafts within Danube Safety Net Project – Improvement of the transport safety This event will be attended by representatives of the two partner authorities, the Romanian
Naval Authority and the Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” Bulgaria, as well as
representatives of the partner institutions directly interested.
in the common Bulgarian-Romanian of the Danube river through development of the
emmergency response by cross – border cooperation.
Date – 5th of July 2022 starting with 11:00 hrs
Location: Ponton Danubius, address: Danubius Ponton – Bulevardul 1 Decembrie 1918 10-11,
Orșova, Mehedinți.
The Romanian Naval Authority organizes on July 5, 2022 starting with 11:00 on the Danube
Pontoon, 1 December 1918 Boulevard 10-11, Orșova, Mehedinți, the presentation event of the
two multipurpose and multifunctional self-propelled crafts, purchased by the Romanian Naval
Authority as a partner in the Danube Safety Net project – Improvement of the transport safety
in the common Bulgarian-Romanian of the Danube river through development of the emergency
response by cross – border cooperation.
The project is carried out under the auspices of the INTERREG VA Program, Romania-Bulgaria
Regional Cross-Border Cooperation, which is a program funded by the European Union from the
European Regional Development Fund – ERDF, Priority Axis 1 – “A well-connected region”.
The lead partner is the Executive Agency Maritime Administration – Bulgaria, the central
authority for navigation safety and ship security, subordinated to the Bulgarian Ministry of
Transport and the authority responsible in Bulgaria for coordinating search and rescue and
emergency response activities on the Danube, The Romanian Naval Authority being a partner
in the Danube Safety Net Project.
The general objective of the project is to improve the safety of navigation along the Danube
River along the entire length that stretches between Romania and Bulgaria by developing a
common geographic information system for emergencies.
One of the key results of the project is the provision by the Romanian Naval Authority of these
2 self-propelled multipurpose and multifunctional crafts that will be used for emergency
response activities in the common Romanian-Bulgarian sector of the Danube.